How to change your prefix

To change the prefix of OcelotBOT, you need to either be Server Owner or have a role called 'bot controller'.
The bot controller role is not created by OcelotBOT automatically, so you must create it and assign it to yourself and anyone who you wish to have access to !settings.

Once you have access to the !settings command, the command to change the prefix is as follows. For example, if you wanted to change your prefix to %

  • Avatar
    Big P

    !settings set prefix %

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    ✅ Set the prefix to %. The help command is now %help

If at any point you find you've set a prefix you can't use, join the support server to get it reset.

If you forget what prefix you have set, you can simply say @OcelotBOT prefix and it will tell you

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    Big P

    @OcelotBOT prefix

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    My prefix is currently %.